A recorded demonstration of the new New Dialogue interface in PowerBuilder 12's PowerBuilder .NET WPF development IDE.
PowerBuilder .NET - PowerScript Painter
A tour of enhancements in the PowerScript Painter in the PowerBuilder .NET IDE for WPF application development.
PowerBuilder .NET - The DataWindow Painter
A tour of the DataWindow Painter in the PowerBuilder .NET IDE for WPF application development.
PowerBuilder .NET - The System Tree, Virtual PBLs and Project Objects
A tour of the System Tree, Virtual PBLs and Project Objects in the PowerBuilder .NET IDE for WPF application development.
PowerBuilder .NET - Window Painter Part 2
Part 2 of a tour of the Window Painter in the PowerBuilder .NET IDE for WPF application development.
PowerBuilder .NET - Window Painter Part 1
Part 1 of a tour of the Window Painter in the PowerBuilder .NET IDE for WPF application development.
PowerBuilder .NET - Skins and PowerBuilder
An examination of "skinning" in the PowerBuilder .NET IDE for WPF application development.