// Function Name : f_is_comparison_operator
// Argument Name : as_source, Arg Type : String, Pass By : Value
// Return Type : Boolean
// Description: Determines whether a string contains only Comparison
// Operator characters.
Long ll_count=0
Long ll_length
Char lc_char[]
Integer li_ascii
//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
boolean lb_null
Return lb_null
End If
//Get the length
ll_length = Len (as_source)
//Check for at least one character
If ll_length = 0 Then
Return False
End If
//Move string into array of chars
lc_char = as_source
//Perform loop around all characters
//Quit loop if Non Operator character is found
Do While ll_count < ll_length
ll_count ++
//Get ASC code of character.
li_ascii = Asc (lc_char[ll_count])
If li_ascii=60 or /* < less than */ &
li_ascii=61 or /* = equal */ &
li_ascii=62 Then /* > greater than */
//Character is an Comparison Operator.
//Continue with the next character.
Return False
End If
// Entire string is made of Comparison Operators.
Return True
// Argument Name : as_source, Arg Type : String, Pass By : Value
// Return Type : Boolean
// Description: Determines whether a string contains only Comparison
// Operator characters.
Long ll_count=0
Long ll_length
Char lc_char[]
Integer li_ascii
//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
boolean lb_null
Return lb_null
End If
//Get the length
ll_length = Len (as_source)
//Check for at least one character
If ll_length = 0 Then
Return False
End If
//Move string into array of chars
lc_char = as_source
//Perform loop around all characters
//Quit loop if Non Operator character is found
Do While ll_count < ll_length
ll_count ++
//Get ASC code of character.
li_ascii = Asc (lc_char[ll_count])
If li_ascii=60 or /* < less than */ &
li_ascii=61 or /* = equal */ &
li_ascii=62 Then /* > greater than */
//Character is an Comparison Operator.
//Continue with the next character.
Return False
End If
// Entire string is made of Comparison Operators.
Return True
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